Discussion Process and Principles brings discussion to the classroom in a new way. It is not only about what to discuss -the topic-, but how to discuss -the approach-. Different topics require different approaches. A carpenter with only a hammer in the toolbox approaches every task the same way. In a similar way, students with only one discussion strategy, approach every discussion the same way. Discussion Process and Principles identifies several different approaches to discussion, each having its own language and discussion principle. Every unit features both a new topic and a new approach.
This book traces the childhood and young adult years of the renowned French microbiologist whose interest in chemistry resulted in the process called pasteurization.
Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, remains one of the most controversial personalities of fifteenth-century England. The archetypal over-mighty subject, he was the dominant figure in the dynastic revolutions at the heart of the fifteenth-century Wars of the Roses. Warwick played a pivotal role first in advancing the Yorkist cause, leading Edward IV to replace the Lancastrian Henry VI in 1461. Then, having lost influence at court, he changed sides and was reversed the process in 1470. Warwick "the Kingmaker" dominated national politics in his various roles as general, admiral, pirate, subaltern, administrator, politician, propagandist, statesman, and diplomat.
This title features 30 creative, simple projects that help make use of old wool garments. To reuse, remake and restyle is currently very popular with needle crafters. Shrink, sew and go: creating chic felted garments can be as easy as that. Anyone who's accidentally put a favourite sweater through the washing machine and had it come out in miniature form understands the basic process and these 30 creative, simple projects make use of old wool garments cluttering the wardrobe or purchased from a flea market.
How to Research is a bestselling, practical book that reassures the first time researcher by leading them systematically through the whole research process; from the initial meetings with a supervisor to critically evaluating their ideas, doing the research and finally writing up the project. The book includes vignettes to help readers relate to research examples and provides both methodological and process information.