Business Communication: Process and Product (7th Edition) (2010)
Business Communication: Process and Product (7th Edition) is designed to prepare students for success in today's digital workplace as well as tips on job searching skills. The textbook and accompanying Web site explains the basics of communicating in the workplace, working in teams, how to being a good listener and understanding business etiquette. Students study and practice the skills and activities involved in the writing process including the appropriate use of social media, preparing formal reports and proposals as well as informal business reports.
Taught By Professor Richard Restak, M.D., Georgetown University School of Medicine, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences With its up to 500 trillion synaptic connections, your brain is easily the most powerful machine in the world. These connections are what create your thoughts, what drive your emotions, and what control your behaviors. Even more incredibly: This amazing machine is constantly changing through a process known as brain plasticity. And you can take advantage of this process to improve and enhance your brains jaw dropping powers at any age.
During the first uncertain years of the Northern Ireland peace process three simultaneous terrorist attacks in Belfast, Dublin and London shatter the hope that the bloodshed is finally over. The perpetrators are a new terror group called the Ulster Freedom Brigade. And they have one goal - to destroy the peace process. Michael Osbourne, hero of The Mark of the Assassin, has quit the CIA, bitter and disillusioned. But when the President chooses his father-in-law to be the next American ambassador to Britain, Osbourne is drawn into battle with some of the most ruthless and violent men on earth ...
Exploring Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs serves as a guidebook for every step of the writing process. Emphasizing both process and practice, with a focus on revision, the new second edition helps to apply and advance writing skills using John Langan’s proven techniques. Mastering essential sentence skills, learning to write effective sentences, paragraphs, and essays, and becoming a critical reader are turning points for every writer, and they will prepare the students for writing situations in college and beyond.
Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context
Marketing Planning provides an overview of the essential elements of marketing planning with a particular emphasis on the components of the marketing planning process, whilst highlighting the three core themes of environment, strategy and context. The book features an innovative running case study which follows a company through the entire process of marketing planning, stage by stage and chapter by chapter, finishing with a completed marketing plan.