Curious creatures in zoology: With 130 illus. throughout the text
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction » Science literature | 10 July 2008
It is not given to every one to be able to consult the old Naturalists; and, besides, most of them are written in Latin, and to read them through is partly unprofitable work, as they copy so largely one from another. But, for the general reader, selections can be made, and, if assisted by accurate reproductions of the very quaint wood engravings, a book may be produced which will not prove tiring, even to a superficial reader.
Tags: produced , which , engravings , quaint , accurate
BBC SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION 35. Henry the Sixth, parts 1, 2, 3
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Multimedia » Learning Videos | 1 June 2008
The BBC TV Shakespeare Collection
35. Henry the Sixth, parts 1, 2, 3 wiith embedded subtitles
The BBC Television Shakespeare wats a set of television adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare, produced by the the BBC between 1978 and 1985.
This is the end of collection. The 37 Plays:
18 comments, 4386 views
Tags: Shakespeare , parts , Sixth , Henry , produced , Plays
BBC SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION 34. The Famous History of the life of King Henry VIII
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Multimedia » Learning Videos | 31 May 2008
The BBC TV Shakespeare Collection
34. The Famous History of the life of King Henry VIII wiith embedded subtitles
The BBC Television Shakespeare wats a set of television adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare, produced by the the BBC between 1978 and 1985.
Tags: Shakespeare , Henry , History , Famous , plays , produced
BBC SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION 33. The life of Henry the Fifth
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Multimedia » Learning Videos | 29 May 2008
The BBC TV Shakespeare Collection
33. The life of Henry the Fifth wiith embedded subtitles
The BBC Television Shakespeare was a set of television adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare, produced by the the BBC between 1978 and 1985.
Tags: Shakespeare , Fifth , Henry , produced , plays
BBC SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION 32. King Henry the Fourth (part 2)
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Multimedia » Learning Videos | 28 May 2008
The BBC TV Shakespeare Collection
32. King Henry the Fourth (part 2) wiith embedded subtitles
The BBC Television Shakespeare was a set of television adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare, produced by the the BBC between 1978 and 1985.
Tags: Shakespeare , Fourth , Henry , produced , plays