The Real You Diet: Your Personal Program for Lasting Weight Loss
From one of the nation's leading weight-loss specialists, the diet and nutrition expert from the Today show and that really work to lose weight and keep it off As a clinician, researcher, and media expert, Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom knows how you can lose weight. Her toolbox approach to weight loss is different from standard one-size-fits-all programs because you don't need to adapt to the plan; this plan adapts to you.
VIP Program from A.J. Hoge "Effortless English Club" I want you to feel confident when you speak English. So right now, in fact, you need to put your shoulders back and I want to see a smile on your face and I want your chest to be up and I want you to breathe deeply. Remember, we have to change our body that’s the first step. It’s not the only thing, but it’s the first step to getting more confidence.
Это красочный курс фонетики, где главные герои - звери. Материал представлен в легкой ненавязчивой форме. Звери, принимающие формы букв, помогают быстрее запомнить и полюбить алфавит, звуки, чтение.
The Zoo-phonics Language Arts Program is a kinesthetic, multi-modal approach to learning all aspects of language arts. Faster than you ever expected your students will be reading, spelling and writing!
Это красочный курс фонетики, где главные герои - звери. Материал представлен в легкой ненавязчивой форме. Звери, принимающие формы букв, помогают быстрее запомнить и полюбить алфавит, звуки, чтение.
The Zoo-phonics Language Arts Program is a kinesthetic, multi-modal approach to learning all aspects of language arts. Faster than you ever expected your students will be reading, spelling and writing!