No book is produced by the author alone, but this book could never have been conceived, let alone produced, had it not been for an enormous number of people throughout Europe. Although addressing the general topic of the diagnosis of foreign language proficiency and diagnostic testing in particular, in this book I have drawn heavily on the DIALANG Project ( for my inspiration, examples and conclusions. Without DIALANG this book would not be here. I am extremely grateful to all who sponsored, designed, worked in and contributed to the DIALANG Project, which started in 1996 and came to the end of its public funding in 2004.
Suzanne thinks it would be fun if the whole class did a community service project together. This way, they can all share the same satisfied feeling they get from helping others. Mrs. Miyamoto agrees and tells the class that they can start planning the project today!
The Kitchen is a theatre play performed by UKLA Children & Youth Theatre in Turkey. The main target of this project is to increase motivation of learning English and present alternative ways for practice.
These game cards are another part of the project. They were prepared by UKLA Creative Team.
Step-by-step instructions, with over 300 diagrams, show you how to create more than 12 familiar animals: cat, deer, elephant, seal, walrus, mink, bear and five more. Clear, easy-to-follow explanations of symbols and basic folds help insure the success of each project. Projects graded according to difficulty.