The Complete Idiots Guide to Crochet Projects Illustrated
In "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Crochet Projects Illustrated" Marcy lays out illustrated step-by-step instructions for sixty crocheting projects that will enable even the most novice of needlecraft enthusiasts to turn out truly remarkable and fun crochet projects ranging from hair scrunchies, bookmarks, and backpacks, to pillows, hats, finger puppets and Kitty Bonbons! Offering a quick refresher on hooks, fibers, stitches, reading patterns, and seaming techniques, "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Crochet Projects Illustrated" also provides detailed lists of the yarns, notions, and everything else each project
Explaining an innovative, new crochet technique from designer Bendy Carter, this manual shows how to use crochet materials to achieve knitted results. By combining knit and purl stitches in crochet, crafters can create wonderful, knit-like fabrics with textural patterns, ribbing, and cables. With full-color photographs for 12 unique projects, from crocheting a cabled sweater and a herringbone pillow to a basketweave bag and a two-tone scarf, crafters will be inspired to crochet in a whole new way.
Featuring creative solutions for making use of scrap material, this crafting resource provides designs that help turn scrap yarn into everything from home decor, fashion accessories, and even baby items. Perfect for the beginner or intermediate crocheter, there are more than 35 projects, including a matching jacket and hat, an afghan, kitchen hot pads, and a necklace.
Knitting with beads is a special branch of needlework. The stunning array of beads available today allows you to make dozens of exquisite pieces of jewellery and wonderful wearables that just sparkle! Most projects knitted with beads are very portable. The beads need to be pre-strung so there are no loose beads to put on after knitting has begun. So bead knitting is ideal for travel as well as a home craft. Many small projects including bracelets, lariat necklaces, other necklaces, earrings, pins, small bags hats, cuffs, tassels and even a poncho.