This edition of 'Hotline' contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section; and reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model. It encourages students to take more control of their learning needs.
This edition of 'Hotline' contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section; and reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model. It encourages students to take more control of their learning needs.
This edition of 'Hotline' contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section; and reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model. It encourages students to take more control of their learning needs.
In Systematic Lexicography Juri Apresjan shows the insights linguistics has to offer lexicography, and equally that the achievements and challenges of lexicography provide a rewarding field for linguistic inquiry.
This edition of 'Hotline' contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section; and reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model. It encourages students to take more control of their learning needs.