A collection of essays covering a broad range of topics, including day care, the roots of homosexuality, generational conflict, and children's concepts of life and death. "Richly suggestive." --Contemporary Psychology
This volume takes a contemporary and novel look at how people see the world around them. We generally believe we see our surroundings and everything in it with complete accuracy. However, as the contributions to this volume argue, this assumption is wrong: people’s view of their world is cloudy at best. Social Psychology of Visual Perception is a thorough examination of the nature and determinants of visual perception, which integrates work on social psychology and vision.
Covering all the major concepts and theories while still presenting the exciting and practical applications of psychology is a challenge. In order to meet this challenge, Huffman presents a fully integrated package that sets the stage for a perfectly choreographed learning experience. It includes a pedagogical system that makes psychology easier to learn. Readers will also find a robust suite of multimedia learning resources, including animations, interactive exercises, simulations and virtual experiments, and brief video clips. Psychologists can use the ninth edition as a reference for the theories and concepts.
The Psychology of Graphic Images: Seeing, Drawing, Communicating
This book explores the nature of one of the most ancient tools for nonverbal communication: drawings. They are naturally adaptable enough to meet an incredibly wide range of communication needs. But how exactly do they do their job so well? Avoiding the kinds of aesthetic rankings of different graphic domains so often made by art historians and critics, Manfredo Massironi considers an extensive and representative sample of graphic applications with an open mind. He finds a deep mutuality between the material components of images and the activation of the perceptual and cognitive processes that create and decipher them.
Culture and Identity: The History, Theory, and Practice of Psychological Anthropology
In this revised edition, Lindholm introduces the field of psychological anthropology, tracing the growth of the field, interweaving perspectives from anthropology, psychology, and sociology, and applying the insights gained to an understanding of daily life in the West. Unlike other texts, Culture and Identity deals with contemporary issues, includes important theorists that have previously been ignored, and covers contemporary topics such as object relations, identity, emotions, cognition, idealized relationships, and the psychology of groups.