The Future of Money: From Financial Crisis to Public Resource
As the recent financial crisis has revealed, the state is central to the stability of the money system, while the chaotic privately-owned banks reap the benefits without shouldering the risks. This book argues that money is a public resource that has been hijacked by capitalism.
In 1914, the assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand became the catalyst for a great war that swept over the world. Anxious Americans watched as the conflict widened and eventually engulfed their nation. President Woodrow Wilson believed a war would "make the world safe for democracy." When World War I ended, Wilson struggled to establish the League of Nations, the blueprint for the future United Nations, but the American public was more interested in technological advances like the automobile, radio, camera, refrigerator, and commercial aviation that changed the way they lived.
This book is well known for its coverage of modern topics (Game theory, Economics of Information, and Behavioral Economics), clarity of its writing style and graphs, and integrated use of real world examples. The emphasis on relevance and application to both managerial and public-policy decision-making are focused goals of the book. This emphasis is accomplished by including MANY extended examples that cover such topics as the analysis of demand, cost, and market efficiency; the design of pricing strategies; investment and production decisions; and public policy analysis.
In this indispensable work, prominent authorities review the latest research on all aspects of ELL instruction (K-12) and identify what works for real students and schools. Provided are best-practice guidelines for targeting reading, writing, oral language, vocabulary, content-domain literacies, and other core skill areas; assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students; and building strong school-home-community partnerships. Chapters include clear-cut recommendations for teaching adolescent ELLs and those with learning disabilities.
Rethinking the BSE Crisis: A Study of Scientific Reasoning under Uncertainty
In 1986, the emergence of a novel brain disease in British cattle presented a unique challenge to scientists. How that challenge was addressed has been the subject of a public inquiry and numerous academic studies conducted to date. However, none of these investigations has sought to examine the reasoning of scientists during this critical period in the public health of the UK.