10-Minute Talks: 24 Messages Your Students Will Love
Sometimes you don't have their attention for very long. Whether you've planned for a short message or your program has run long, a ten-minute talk is sometimes all you have space for in your youth ministry. So make sure you make it ten minutes that really count!
This little book of free A 4 photocopiable worksheets contains entries from the Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition. It accompanies 3 little books - The Little Book of Word Origins, The Little Book of New Words and The Little Book of Feelings and Emotions. The Little Book of Worksheets contains games and fun activities, such as crosswords, anagrams and quizzes. The only disadvantage of this little book is that it is really little - there are only 16 pages, but they are engaging and suitable for vocabulary building and consolidation in advanced classes.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 13 November 2010
Candida, a comedy by playwright George Bernard Shaw, was first published in 1898, as part of his Plays Pleasant. The central characters are clergyman James Morell, his wife Candida and a youthful poet, Eugene Marchbanks, who tries to win Candida's affections. The play questions Victorian notions of love and marriage, asking what a woman really desires from her husband. The cleric is a Fabian Socialist, allowing Shaw—himself a Fabian—to weave political issues, current at the time, into the story.
Formerly a corporate lawyer, Ben Kincaid now works for himself defending the dregs of society, but he begins to see the justice system for what it really is when he defends a friend who has been framed for murder.
The book is more than a how-to-make a gingerbread house. This book has taught me that gingerbread is very appropriate for any holiday celebration. It has step-by-step instructions for using gingerbread for St. Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. It really isn't the best book to have if you are a beginner. It is a better book for intermedite or advance gingerbread bakers.