Cracking the GRE with 4 Practice Tests, 2014 Edition
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » GRE | 26 April 2014
Get all the prep you need to ace the GRE with 4 full-length practice tests, thorough GRE topic reviews, and extra practice online. Inside the Book: All the Practice & Strategies You Need · 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations · Expert subject reviews for all GRE test topics · Drills for each test section—Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and the Essays · Key strategies for tackling Text Completion, Numeric Entry, Quantitative Comparison, and other question types · Practical information & general GRE strategies
Thinking and reasoning, long the academic province of philosophy, have over the past century emerged as core topics of empirical investigation and theoretical analysis in the modern fields of cognitive psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience. Formerly seen as too complicated and amorphous to be included in early textbooks on the science of cognition, the study of thinking and reasoning has since taken off, branching off in a distinct direction from the field from which it originated.
This new edition of CHEMISTRY continues to incorporate a strong molecular reasoning focus, amplified problem-solving exercises, a wide range of real-life examples and applications, and innovative technological resources. With this text's focus on molecular reasoning, readers will learn to think at the molecular level and make connections between molecular structure and macroscopic properties.
The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective Thinking, 3d edition
Math can be a living source of powerful ideas that transcend mathematics; a window into mind-opening philosophical concepts such as infinity, fourth dimensions, chaos, and fractals; and a practical training ground for developing skills in analysis, reasoning, and thought—if you have the right approach and the right guide.
Algebra Readiness Made Easy, Grade 3,4,5: An Essential Part of Every Math Curriculum
This Algebra Readiness series makes meeting this mandate easy and fun, even in the younger grades. Each book features dozens of reproducibles that give students practice in different problem-solving strategies and algebraic concepts. Students learn to identify variables, solve for the values of unknowns, identify and continue patterns, use logical reasoning, and so much more. Includes 10 full-color transparencies with problem-solving steps and word problems, perfect for whole-class learning.