Review "The single best one-volume reference on British Educational awards in print." Synopsis
"British Qualifications" is the definitive one-volume guide to every recognized qualification on offer in the United Kingdom. With full details of all institutions and organizations involved in the provision of further and higher education, this publication is an important reference source for careers advisers, students and employers. It also includes a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the structure of further and higher education in the UK.
Just what you were looking for-books especially designed for new teachers, pre-service educators, or anyone who is interested in current educational theory and practice. Up-to-date, research-based theory and practical applications make these an invaluable learning tool as well as a perfect quick reference. Perfect for staff development sessions!
For people who want a reliable guide to understanding and using homeopathic remedies for themselves and their families, this is the definitive home reference for treating common ailments.
Vincent Perez (Illustrator) ,"Anatomy Laminate Reference Chart: Includes Deep and Posterior Anatomy and Any New Structures (Quickstudy: Academic)" Anatomy Laminate Reference Chart: Includes Deep and Posterior Anatomy and Any New Structures (Quickstudy: Academic). The best selling QuickStudy guide ever! This 6-page laminated guide contains 1,400 beautifully illustrated diagrams all clearly and concisely labeled for easy identification. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vince Perez.
This book provides a clearly focused and richly detailed review of the entire field of medical microbiology. It is both a textbook for students of medicine and dentistry and a useful companion for medical technicians and laboratory assistants, both at school and in the laboratory. It will also serve as a handy work of reference for clinical practitioners. The book is structured with teachability in mind: The many color illustrations and microscopic images render complex themes readily accessible. Summaries at the beginning of every chapter, a color-coded reference guide and detailed diagnostic tables make this an excellent sourcebook for rapid learning and quick reference. A list of important internet addresses in the appendix will help the book's users keep abreast of cutting-edge research.