New Trends and Developments in Automotive Industry
This book is divided in five main parts (production technology, system production, machinery, design and materials) and tries to show emerging solutions in automotive industry fields related to OEMs and no-OEMs sectors in order to show the vitality of this leading industry for worldwide economies and related important impacts on other industrial sectors and their environmental sub-products.
In simple, age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language, this book explains to young readers why bears hibernate. Bold charts, simple scientific illustrations, and dazzling four-color photography bring this process of inquiry vibrantly to life. Echoing the question-and-answer format of the series, each chapter features a challenge question to reinforce the concepts presented and to bolster reading comprehension. In addition, the book contains an activity related to the concepts learned in the text, so students can see for themselves science at work - yet another way of reinforcing the processes and phenomena central to each topic. Reading/Interest Level: Grades 3+
In simple, age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language, this book explains to young readers why volcanoes erupt. Bold charts, simple scientific illustrations, and dazzling four-color photography bring this process of inquiry vibrantly to life. Echoing the question-and-answer format of the series, each chapter features a challenge question to reinforce the concepts presented and to bolster reading comprehension. In addition, the book contains an activity related to the concepts learned in the text, so students can see for themselves science at work - yet another way of reinforcing the processes and phenomena central to each topic. Reading/Interest Level: Grades 3+
Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Imbalances
With a clear, comprehensive approach, this quick-reference handbook on the basic principles of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balances, imbalances, and related disorders is a must-have for all nursing students.