This edition is written in English. However, there is a running Spanish thesaurus at the bottom of each page for the more difficult English words highlighted in the text. There are many editions of Sons and Lovers.
Tags: Spanish , English , LoversSons , editions , There , Lovers , REUPLOAD
This is a personal collection of exercises you could use together with The Lost Room,a science fiction television miniseries
Reuploaded Thanks to sneza
Tags: fiction , televisionminiseries , Lessons , science , together , miniseries , television , REUPLOAD , NEEDED , Reuploaded , Thanks , sneza
Madonna - Love Profusion (Pronunciation Practice)
Added by: goluboglazaya | Karma: 106.02 | Multimedia , Other | 12 January 2011
Listen and train noun endings, such as profusion, solution and many more. for Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate students
Reuploaded Thanks to goluboglazaya
Tags: madonna , music , love profusion , pronunciation , studentsMadonna , Profusion , Pronunciation , Practice , PreIntermediateIntermediate , NEEDED , REUPLOAD , Madonna , goluboglazaya , Thanks
Puss in boots
Puss in Boots is the tale of a very clever cat. He is so clever that not only he manages to find his poor master a new life but also a real princess to marry. Read and learn what tricks Puss uses to make all this happen.
Reuploaded Thanks to KundAlini
19 comments, 5254 views
Tags: clever , tricks , happen , boots , learn , REUPLOAD , Reuploaded , Thanks
This is the story of Mowgli - the jungle boy... Readers will be cheering Mowgli on as he does battle with Shere Khan and searches for his real home.
Reuploaded Thanks to hissouf
11 comments, 4922 views
Tags: Mowgli , Shere , searches , battle , Readers , REUPLOAD , NEEDED , Reuploaded , Thanks , hissouf