The right of governments to employ capital controls has always been the official orthodoxy of the International Monetary Fund, and the organization's formal rules providing this right have not changed significantly since the IMF was founded in 1945. But informally, among the staff inside the IMF, these controls became heresy in the 1980s and 1990s, prompting critics to accuse the IMF of indiscriminately encouraging the liberalization of controls and precipitating a wave of financial crises in emerging markets in the late 1990s.
So you want to turn your Yugo into a Viper? Sorry--you need a certified magician. But if you want to turn your sedate sedan into a mean machine or your used car lot deal into a powerful, purring set of wheels, you’ve come to the right place. Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies will get you turbo-charged up about modifying your car and guide you smoothly through:
The fantastic creatures in this beautiful and colorful collection may exist only in storybooks—but with some paper, simple origami folds, and Duy Nguyen's incredibly detailed illustrations as a guide, they can spring to life right in your hands. Some come from Greek mythology: the mysterious Sphinx; Cerberus, the fierce dog that guards the underworld; and Medusa, with her snaky locks and deadly glance. Others, including Shiva Nataraja, have their origins in Indian legend. Magical fairy tale characters, such as a mermaid, unicorn, and dragon, populate the pages, too.
Only a man with a mysterious past could tempt the Countess from the Isle of Ice . . . Twice jilted, Grace Sheffey has given up on love. No longer capable of maintaining her elegant facade with her intimate circle of friends, she has little choice but to flee . . . right into the teeth of a blizzard. But when her wretched carriage ride ends in disaster, a rugged, imposing stranger is waiting to save her life . . . and her heart.
The decision to source software development to an overseas firm (offshoring) is looked at frequently in simple economic terms - it's cheaper, and skilled labor is easier to find. In practice, however, offshoring is fraught with difficulties. As well as the considerable challenge of controlling projects at a distance, there are differences in culture, language, business methods, politics, and many other issues to contend with. Nevertheless, as many firms have discovered, the benefits of getting it right are too great to ignore.