This Teacher’s Edition is a book which contains the answers to the exercises in SB. Teachers won’t find there original methodology or new approach to old problems. It is just a pragmatic book which saves a teacher’s time. Besides it has a set of worksheets (I consider them TESTS) for each unit in SB.
If you can’t decide on what basic settings to use with your camera because you can’t figure out how changing ISO, white balance, or focus defaults will affect your pictures, you need this Quick Snap guide.
Paediatrics and Child Health is the definitive guide to paediatrics for medical students. This brand new exciting edition has been completely revised for the contemporary curriculum. Paediatrics and Child Health follows a symptoms and problem-based approach. The book focuses on the full development of a child from birth through to adolescence. The authors’ expertise is enhanced by clear explanations and full colour presentation. The book has been designed for easy navigation for both in-depth learning and revision.
They’re young, they’re brash, they’re smart—and they’re 77-million strong. Generation Y is creating startups at an unprecedented rate, and their approach to business is unlike anything you’ve seen. The generation described by the media as spoiled, entitled, even narcissistic, is proving these notions false every day. Inspired by the rock-star entrepreneurs of previous generations and driven by a burning desire to control their own destinies, GenY is rewriting the entrepreneurial playbook one cool startup at a time.
Loops: The Seven Keys to Small Business SuccessLoops reveals the soul-searching story of Tony, a business student who doesn’t understand why he can’t quit school and work in the family business.
As you follow Tony’s journey, you’ll receive a week-by-week crash course on the seven essential loops for small business. You will learn how to distinguish yourself from the competition, improve your operations, and close the loops. Best of all, you’ll discover innovative ways to apply the loops concept to every challenge you face, with every endeavor, in any economy.