SNAPSHOT Intermediate Test Book contains eight tests designed to monitor students’ progress after they have reached Units 2, 5, 7, 10, 12,15, 17 and 20 of Snapshot Intermediate Student’s Book. In addition, there is a midway Review, and an Exit Test.
When it comes to improving your golf game, everyone’s an expert, even other beginners who don’t play any better than you. Get help from real experts. Golf For Dummies, Third Edition, features easy-to-follow instructions for hitting the ball farther and straighter, and shaving strokes off your game. It gives you:
Advice on adjusting your grip, stance, and swing
Helpful tips from the top players in the game
New methods for improving improve your short game
Exercises tailored to keep you fit and improve your game
Contents 1 Man’s Best Friend 5 2 A Communicating Carnivore 19 3 A Puppy’s Life 25 4 Adaptable Dogs 31 5 Dogs and People 35 Glossary 42 Find Out More 44 Index 46
This addition to the Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations series focuses on Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Gathered here is a collection of well-respected critical essays on the text, discussing topics such as the philosophical background of the work, satire, and more.
Providing a broad narrative and relating the central events that have shaped the country, A Brief History of Ireland touches on all aspects of Ireland’s history, including political, economic, cultural, social, and foreign affairs. Recounting this country’s long history - from the arrival of the Celts to recent economic developments that have brought booming prosperity and social change - A Brief History of Ireland notes what makes Ireland unique among nations, including noteworthy contributions made by the Irish.