The 100th day of school is coming up, and Nancy doesn’t know what to bring in for the class project. Will she be able to think of something imaginative in time for the big day?
The kids in Room 207 were misbehaving again. Spitballs stuck to the ceiling. Paper planes whizzing through the air. They were the worst-behaved class in the whole school.
Success is a six-level course for Upper Secondary school students aged 14-20 years, taking learners from zero beginner to an advanced level of English competency. The age range has been fundamental in defining the most important features of this course. Designed for learners who are at a critical point in their education, Success helps them bridge the gap between their school years and adulthood.
Dissecting twenty years of educational politics in our nation’s largest cities, American School Reform offers one of the clearest assessments of school reform as it has played out in our recent history. Joseph P. McDonald and his colleagues evaluate the half-billion-dollar Annenberg Challenge—launched in 1994—alongside other large-scale reform efforts that have taken place in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area. They look deeply at what school reform really is, how it works, how it fails, and what differences it can make nonetheless.