Short Stories by British writers. Короткі оповідання. Книжка для читання англійською мовою за творами британських письменників The manual contains eleven stories of English writers HG Wells, S. Maugham, A. Christie. Each story presents seven exercises aimed at mastering vocabulary and grammar of the English language and speech development of thinking skills and creative abilities of those who are learning English. For senior students of secondary schools and high schools, junior students of higher educational institutions, school pupils.
Учебное пособие. Данный УМК предназначен для старших классов общеобразовательной школы экономического профиля, а также как элективный курс в классах других профлей.
Rethinking Schools is a must-read for everyone involved in progressive education -- first-year teachers and seasoned veterans, parents and community activists. Crammed with innovative teaching ideas, compelling resources, analyses of important issues, and organizing, Rethinking Schools is an invaluable source for educators who want to enlist students in thinking deeply and critically about the world today. As education policy increasingly forces schools toward scripted curriculum, excessive testing, and punitive measures, Rethinking Schools provides an alternative vision of schooling, based on the creative commitment of teachers and grounded in students’ daily lives.
A college degree has never been more important—or more expensive. If you're not made of money, where can you get an amazing liberal arts education without your parents having to remortgage the house or cash in their retirement fund? Which degrees will allow you to fulfill your dreams and earn a decent paycheck? What do you really need to know if you're the first in your family to go to college? How do you find good schools that offer a well-rounded campus life for black or Latino students?