Great book with clear illustration of the human body and the different systems within. It is perfect for teaching either English or Science to young children.
Renowned story teller, Kendall Haven brings his expertise as an oceanographer to the authorship of this third book in a four- book series intended for teachers to use with students in the upper elementary and middle school grades. It focuses on natural phenomena of the sea (tides, tsunamis, sea spouts, giant squid, killer whales) through the eyes of ancient myth and looks at the modern day science that explains each myth, using the interdisciplinary style of teaching. Haven, bringing his knowledge of the science of oceanography, integrates various scientific fields of oceanic study--Physical Oceanography, Geologic Oceanography, Biological and Chemical Oceanography, etc.--to further integrate science curricular areas with the study of myth. Students will not only be encouraged to appreciate the magic in myth and science, but to understand the commonality of all human experience with nature over all time. The book contains myths from several different cultures along with accompanying scientific explanations to use with students. Included are bibliographies, recommended Web sites, student projects, and discussion and activity ideas. Illustrations and diagrams enhance student interest. The book is to be used by teachers and librarians with students and by students in libraries and classrooms.
For more than 50 years, science fiction films have been among the most important and successful products of American cinema, and are worthy of study for that reason alone. On a deeper level, the genre has reflected important themes, concerns and developments in American society, so that a history of science fiction film also serves as a cultural history of America over the past half century.