From the author of the bestselling The Science of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
comes another incredible trip to an even more mysterious terrain.
Michael Hanlon identifies ten scientific questions that we simply can't
seem to answer and explains why these compelling mysteries will remain
unsolved for years to come.
How did life begin? Why are there
two sexes? Where did language originate? In Hanlon's characteristically
witty style, he ponders the ways these questions have persisted in
frustrating the best minds and asks what might be needed to get to the
bottom of it all. From politics to lack of technology, each question
has its own set of circumstances holding it back. By exploring these
unanswerable questions, Hanlon exposes some of science's greatest
failings and missteps, and charts a hopeful direction for getting
science back on the road to discovery.
Издание, содержащее отрывки из аутентичных книг о науке и технике. Упражнения на понимание, вокабуляр, задания на обсуждение, грамматику, письмо.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Книга имеет то же название, то и уже опубликованная, но это абсолютно другая книга другого автора, издательства и содержания.
Tech Talk contains authentic materials
and excerpts from nonfiction books and from NPR that deal with popular,
newsworthy issues in science and technology. With readings, the book
contains related exercises in comprehension, vocabulary, discussion,
grammar, and writing.
In addition to providing reading practice, this textbook aims to:
Teach grammar through examples of real usage.
Provide practice in the writing styles commonly used in science and engineering: explanation, persuasion, and critical analysis.
Provide opportunities for verbal practice through class discussion.
Encourage English learners to read independently and to learn language through reading.
The readings in the book were selected to appeal to all readers, but
will be especially helpful to English learners who are engineers,
scientists, or university students in technical fields.
An audio CD featuring many of the readings is also available.
Water, water everywhere - with this in mind, the perennial question in water works remains: can the earth's finite supply of water resources be increased to meet the constantly growing demand? Hailed on its first publication as a masterful account of the state of water science, this second edition of the bestselling The Science of Water: Concepts and Applications puts the spotlight on the critical importance of water's role in future sustainability. Clearly written and user-friendly.
Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals.[1][2] The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people.
This 9-volume study of social sciences is a successor to the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (ESS, 1930-1935) and the initial set of the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (IESS, 1968) – two groundbreaking Macmillan works that "established standards for knowledge in social science research and practice" (CHOICE, 2001). The entirely new International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences covers scholarship and fields that have emerged and matured since the publication of the original international edition. Like its predecessors, the set meets the needs of high school and college students, researchers inside and outside academia, and lay readers in public libraries.
The new set highlights the expanding influence of economics in social science research and features nearly 3,000 entirely new articles and important biographies contributed by thousands of scholars (including several Nobel prize winners) from around the world on a wide array of global topics, including: achievement testing, censorship, personality measurement, aging, income distribution, foreign aid (political and economic aspects), food (world problems, consumption patterns), cultural adaptation, comparative health-care systems, terrorism, political correctness, agricultural innovation, legislation of morality, sexual violence and exploitation, white collar crime.
The new 2nd edition also features biographical profiles of the major contributors to the study of the social sciences, past and present.