Encyclopedia of Communication and Information This new three-volume encyclopedia summarizes the current state of knowledge in the communication and information science fields, which are changing rapidly.
Entries cover eight general topics: careers in the communication and information fields, information science, information technologies, literacy, institutional studies, interpersonal communication, library science, and media effects. Students will find that the articles provide a good overview of each topic and that most have a bibliography.
Many favorite student topics, such as subliminal advertising, media effects on body image, and minorities in the media, are included. The biographical entries range from famous figures like newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer to lesser-known individuals, such as the noted African American librarian and storyteller Augusta Braxton Baker.
A detailed index and See Also references add to the encyclopedia's value. This set should be purchased by undergraduate libraries as well as by libraries serving high school students.
So many slighting remarks have been made of late on the use of teaching grammar as compared with teaching science, that it is plain the fact has been lost sight of that grammar is itself a science. The object we have, or should have, in teaching science, is not to fill a child's mind with a vast number of facts that may or may not prove useful to him hereafter, but to draw out and exercise his powers of observation, and to show him how to make use of what he observes... And here the teacher of grammar has a great advantage over the teacher of other sciences, in that the facts he has to call attention to lie ready at hand for every pupil to observe without the use of apparatus of any kind while the use of them also lies within the personal experience of every one.
This best-selling dictionary contains over 9,000 entries on all aspects of science and provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy. Appendices cover the periodic table, geological time scale, and animal and plant classification. New features include virtual thumb tags for easy reference, expanded areas including astronomy and earth science and more features on key topics such as the Solar System and Genetically Modified Organisms. Also featured are short biographies of leading scientists and chronologies of specific subjects, including plastics, electronics and cell biology. Both concise and wide-ranging, this dictionary is an ideal handy reference work and great introduction for students and non-scientists alike.
English for Science is an English language text for use in secondary schools or adult education programs to prepare students to participate in basic science courses. The texts are designed for intermediate and advanced students of English as second language.