Influential work of popular science written and read by one of the world's leading scientists and science writers.
In this
audio book based on his number one bestselling book, Dawkins presents a closely argued and intellectually exhilarating case for his radical Darwinian view of life on Earth and the place of human beings on it. Those who know his earlier works will find much additional material to savour here; those who have not yet discovered Dawkins passion for science will find this an ideal introduction to his work. 2007-08-14
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"Why do poets and artists so often disparage science in their work? For that matter, why does so much scientific literature compare poorly with, say, the phone book? After struggling with questions like these for years, biologist Richard Dawkins has taken a wide-ranging view of the subjects of meaning and beauty in Unweaving the Rainbow, a deeply humanistic examination of science, mysticism, and human nature. Notably strong-willed in a profession of bet-hedgers and wait-and-seers, Dawkins carries the reader along on a romp through the natural and cultural worlds, determined that "science, at its best, should leave room for poetry."
An alphabetically arranged guide to the philosophy of science.
Philosophy of Science A-Z gives concise, accurate and illuminating accounts of key positions, concepts, arguments and figures in the philosophy of science. It aids understanding of current debates, explains their historical development and connects them with broader philosophical issues. It presupposes little prior knowledge of philosophy of science and is equally useful to the beginner, the more advanced student and the general reader. Readers will find in it illuminating explanations, careful analysis, relevant examples, open problems and, last but not least, precise arguments.
Every Einstein book talks about relativity, but not many tell you about the mortician who ran away with his brain. From absentmindedness to Zionism, Fox and Keck offer sharp, bite-size pieces of Einstein-related people, concepts and quirks in a fun book ideal for trivia lovers and the science-wary. Details about Einstein's life, not just his science, are found in these alphabetical fragments, which cover the physicist's feelings on Israel and Judaism, on pacifism (which he espoused) and on quantum mechanics (which he famously rejected), as well as his relations with other scientists and with his own family.