A comprehensive reference source, Handbook of Second Language Acquisition discusses the research, theory, and applications specific to second language acquisition.
With a wide range of exciting new digital material, including all new documentaries, this new edition is still the number one course to get your students talking. The American English File Second Edition Starter Level Testing Program CD-ROM – the complete teacher resource for testing and continuous assessment, with materials that you can customize for your students and your teaching situation.
This is classic from G. C. Verplanck, Editor, published in New York: Harper & Brothers. 714 pages Shakespeare - Complete Histories - Content: Introductory Materials, Preface, Order of the Plays, Life of Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Will, Folio Editions, Commendatory Verses, Name and Autographs, King John, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth I, II, Henry the Fifth, Henry the Sixth I, II, III, Richard the Third, Henry the Eighth
Edited by G. C. Verplanck New York: Harper & Brothers. 1847
Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their learners.
Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their learners.