What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee
In the 1990s, we routinely heard that we are just 1 or 2% different from chimpanzees genetically, and therefore . . . what? Should we accord the chimpanzees human rights, as some activists have suggested? Should we acknowledge and accept as natural the promiscuity and genocidal violence that lurks just underneath the veneer of humanity and occasionally surfaces, as some biologists have implied? Or should we perhaps all simply go naked and sleep in trees as the chimpanzees do?
Principles of Economics: Business, Banking, Finance, and Your Everyday Life
This course introduces both macroeconomics and microeconomics. At a business and professional level, macroeconomics can help to answer questions such as the following: How much should I manufacture this month? How much inventory should I maintain? At a personal level: Should I switch jobs—or ask for a raise? Should I buy a house now or wait until next year? Should I get a variable or fixed-rate mortgage? And what about my investments for retirement? In contrast, microeconomics can help to answer the following questions: How can my firm minimize its costs and increase its profits? What prices should I charge for my products? Will I really be better off financially if I quit my job now and go back for an MBA degree? What kind of career should I be preparing myself for? What about that new refrigerator or automobile I want to buy? ONE-FILE RAPIDSHARE MIRROR ADDED BY dandelion
The Success Placement Test is designed to help the teacher to place students at the right level of the Success series. It contains 100 Multiple Choice questions and is designed to last for an hour. If students get less than 60% of the answers right, they should use Success Elementary. If they get more than 70% of the answers right, they should use Success Pre-Intermediate. 60-70% of right answers puts students in the middle of the two levels and your decision as to where to place these students should depend on the level of the rest of the class.
NEW SNAPSHOT ELEMENTARY PLACEMENT TEST Students need to get 50 marks (equal to 50%) to be at the correct level for NEW Snapshot Elementary. Grammar (40 marks), vocabulary (30 marks) and communication (30 marks). You should allow 40-45 minutes for this test