Once again, we join tale-teller Mr Mulliner in the snug bar of the Angler's Rest. Never short of a tall story, he has four more implausible anecdotes for his audience of fellow tipplers.
P.S. Additionaly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our member poLUnoCHniK for his help in creating this post.
"Without the Option" by P.G.Wodehouse (BBC radioshow) This radioshow is adaptation of "Without the Option" story from novel "Carry on, Jeeves", adapted by BBC7
P.S. Additionaly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our member poLUnoCHniK for his help in creating this post.
This book you have in your hands is a compilation of some of Rumi’s poems with accompanying meditations. Although I am not a disciple of Rumi, I have always enjoyed his expansive insight and wisdom, and I believe his words speak to all people regardless of who they are or where they come from. I hope that you enjoy these selections, and it’s my sincere desire that Rumi can become a stepping-stone for you to explore the inner mysteries that make up the human heart.