Giving difficult news clearly and sensitively is no easy task. However, there are ways to say the right thing at the right time. 500 Letters for Difficult Situations offers helpful templates for when you need to say something tactfully and gracefully. Inside, you'll find letters to guide you through the most challenging communications
500 Letters for Difficult Situations ensures that you know what to say and how to say it.
Added by: orchiddl | Karma: 2026.11 | Exam Materials, KET | 25 March 2015
Succeed in KET (for Schools) - 6 Practice Tests The test proves you can cope with spoken and written English at a basic level. It covers all four language skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking. The language used in the test comes from real-life situations. It will help you learn the English you need for study and work situations as well as travel. Cambridge KET (Key English Test) is a valuable qualification since universities and employers all over the world recognise Cambridge ESOL exams.
Flashlight develops communicative competence and builds a core of essential vocabulary while ensuring that students understand the rules of English grammar. It caters for a range of teaching situations and addresses the demands of mixed ability classes.
The second edition of Essaying the Past features a variety of updates and enhancements to further its standing as an indispensible resource to all aspects of researching and writing historical essays.Includes expert advice on writing about history, conducting good research, and learning how to think analyticallyIncludes a new chapter addressing common situations that represent steps in the transition from a rough first draft to a final version