Strange days.... Winter gripped the city. Terror gripped it, too. They found four corpses in four days, each more hideous than the last. Strange nights.... At first the cops thought they were dealing with a psychopath. But soon they heard eerie sounds in the ventilation system - and saw unearthly silver eyes in the snow-slashed night. Final hours.... In a city paralyzed by a blizzard, something watches, something stalks.
This video was originally targeted at especially toddlers, are difficult to learn (autism, Down syndrome, etc.). Wonderful good video in which in addition to conventional visual images used sign language and simple, accompanying each word. This guide can be used as an auxiliary tool for the study of English common kiddies.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 8 February 2011
Something Wicked
"Arsenic and Old Lace" may be everybody's favorite play, but someone on Broward Rock has spotted its murderous potential. When the corpses on stage in the local amateur production become real ones, bookshop owner Annie Laurance must move fast to save her fiance, Max, from a murder charge. Original.
A long-ago accident has left lovely Bethany Coulter confined to a wheelchair-and vulnerable to betrayal and heartbreak. She's vowed never to open her heart to a man again. But there's something about Ryan McKendrick, the handsome rancher who's so sweetly courting her. Something that makes her believe she can overcome every obstacle-and rediscover lifelong, lasting love...
Our title, the “anthropology of the alien,” sounds like a contradiction in terms. Anthropos is man, anthropology the study of man. The alien, however, is something else: alius, other than. But other than what? Obviously man. The alien is the creation of a need—man’s need to designate something that is genuinely outside himself, something that is truly nonman, that has no initial relation to man except for the fact that it has no relation. Why man needs the alien is the subject of these essays. For it is through learning to relate to the alien that man has learned to study himself.