Maciej Matasek: Synonimy, antonimy i kolokacje w jezyku angielskim (not only for Polish speakers)
Książka zawiera 105 jednostek ćwiczeniowych podzielonych na trzy kategorie: CZASOWNIKI, RZECZOWNIKI oraz PRZYMIOTNIKI, PRZYSŁÓWKI, ZAIMKI i LICZEBNIKI. Każda jednostka prezentuje słowa zbliżone znaczeniowo i kolokacyjnie. Zadanie polega na rozpoznaniu, które ze słów należy zastosować w danym kontekście lub związku znaczeniowym. Ćwiczenia takie pozwalają na rozwinięcie znajomości słownictwa oraz umiejętności budowania poprawnych złożonych form leksykalnych.
Victor Junior - Special Edition - English in Primary School
A Polish magazine for the learners of elementary schools. Level: A1-A2. Age: 6-12. The magazine contains grammar notes on the basic language structures and decriptions of the most popular topics discussed in junior schools. Might be used as additional resource for teachers.
Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English (ESL) (Complete Book with Audio CDs)
Added by: sagametal | Karma: 20.50 | Black Hole | 9 January 2011
Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English (ESL) (Complete Book with Audio CDs)
"It slipped my mind," "Don't fly off the handle," and "I'm counting on you" are just a few of the idiomatic expressions that native English speakers use on any given day, but that can completely confuse non-native speakers. Easy American Idioms cuts through the confusion and teaches natural-sounding conversational English.
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Your Clients for Life: The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Successful Financial Planner
The financial services industry is on the brink of transformation, as financial professionals face a growing demand to take a more client-centered approach. Consumers are looking for more comprehensive guidance on how financial issues fit into a whole life plan. Seeking full lives, not merely financial accumulation, investors are proactively soliciting professional help in funding a lifestyle with satisfaction at its core. In Your Clients for Life, popular speakers and writers Mitch Anthony, Barry LaValley, and Carol Anderson