Не имеет значения, какой у вас уровень – учили ли вы английский в школе или же только начинаете: этот курс для вас. Speak English научит вас уверенно говорить, читать и писать на английском языке.
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Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 12 October 2010
This handbook focuses on theoretical challenges associated with process-orientated psycholinguistics. Speech acts are embedded in situations that may vary in a multitude of parameters. Speech production and comprehension necessarily have to be both robust and flexible. Flexibility includes that speakers vary in speed, articulation, choice of words and interaction style, depending on specific context conditions.
English for Presentations at International Conferences
This book is designed to help non-native English speakers to prepare and deliver effective presentations at international conferences. It will be the first book ever written on presentations specifically from the perspective of non-native English speakers. It will be written in an English that readers will be able to understand easily. This is not 'simple' English as a native speaker would interpret it, but a particular way of writing with minimal redundancy in which key points are highlighted clearly.