Пособие предназначено для отработки правильного произношения и может
использоваться как носителями языка, так и теми, для кого английский
является иностранным. В пособии содержатся упражнения для коррекции
дикции и практические рекомендации по постановке голоса. К книге
прилагаются 4 CD, за которых записана озвучка материалов упражнений.
Данная книга является уже 6 изданием, 1-е вышло в 1983 году. Пособие
очень популярно в Америке на различного рода курсах по коррекции речи
для людей, для которых владение устной речью является профессиональным
качеством. Пособие пригодно как для работы с инструктором, так и для
самостоятельных занятий.
Speaking Clearly provides practical, proven, and class tested
methods for the Voice and Diction course. With over 35 years of
experience, this team of authors successfully guides students through
the obstacles of speech improvement. Reuploaded 15 Aug 2008 to RapidShare.com, link updated.
A complete and flexible four-skills course that offers personalized speaking on every page.
Smart Choice is the easy and effective way to teach English. Teach right off the page, add your own activities with ease, and expand your lessons with extra material, including customizable worksheets and free video.
Key features
Flexible. Each page is a self-contained lesson that ends with personalized speaking. With one skill per page and plenty of spots to add your own supplements, preparation is simple. Start anywhere in the unit and pick and choose activities as you go.
Effective. A balance of speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in every unit ensures your students have the language they need to communicate accurately and fluently.
Expandable. Add extra practice with the Workbook, Teacher's Book, Teacher's Resource Book with 'Click & Change CD-ROM,' and interactive activities and video on the Multi-ROM in the back of the Student Book.
Adaptable. Use the 'Click & Change CD-ROM' to bring Smart Choice into your students' world. Just modify the worksheets to create professional-quality photocopiables with the food, fashions, places, and pop stars your students want to talk about.
Fun. Personalization on every page lets students bring their own ideas to class. Information gaps, class surveys, and personality quizzes get students talking, laughing, and learning about each other - in English
Listening And Speaking Skills 1 For the Revised Proficiency Examis aimed at candidates preparing for this exam, and provides systematic development of candidates' listening and speaking skills.