WorldNetWeekly - this handy digital supplement to WorldNetDaily ensures you will never again miss any of the powerful reporting and commentary of the world’s leading independent online news, technology and the arts. In addition to regular weekly content, Special Reports are published approximately 20 times a year, spotlighting a specific country, industry, or hot-button topic.
High Places: Cultural Geographies of Mountains, Ice and Science
High places--be they mountain peaks or the vast expanses of the polar latitudes--have always captured the human imagination. Inaccessible, extreme, they are commonly invested with awe and reverence, as places of physical challenge, intense experience. Increasingly, they are also treated as unique locations for science. High Places explores the fascinating geographies of these special environments, revealing how senses are challenged, objectivities exposed, cultural assumptions laid bare.
Learning at the Back Door: Reflections on Non-Traditional Learning in the Lifespan
Wedemeyer stresses that learning is a natural idiosyncratic, and continually renewable human trait and survival resource. It is not dependent upon teaching, schooling, or special environments, although—properly used—these resources enhance learning.
Magic Reader is a series of full-color chapter books for young readers aged 8-10 with audio CD. There are 3 books in this post - Smart Alec, Eggs for breakfast and Special Talent.
Passages is a two-level, multi-skills course that takes students of English from the high-intermediate to the advanced level. The Workbook units reinforce and extend the language in the Student's Book, giving special attention to grammar, reading, and writing.
Student's Book and SB audio added Thanks to meloveu4ever