With the appropriate preparing even the most nervous speaker can supply a profitable presentation. “Community Speaking & Presentations For Dummies” shows you how, from drafting your articles to honing your tone for a excellent delivery. Much more self-assured speakers can find specialist guidance on obtaining visible aids right, impromptu speaking, dazzling in roundtables, and a lot a lot more.
Focuses on the functional language needed to succeed in the job. Grammar, vocabulary, and skills are all contextualized in real work situations. An aspirational approach includes It's my job profiles of real professionals, and specialist facts, figures, and quotations on every page. Writing bank or Reading bank gives practice in working with specialist texts. Contemporary, easy-to-navigate design with an In this unit learning menu and an end-of-unit Checklist with CEF Can-do tick boxes. Revision and extension with Projects and Webquests, a student's website with consolidation exercises from the unit, and a handy Key words list at the end of every unit with the essential vocabulary.
Keith Kelly - Vocabulary practice series. Geography (Student's Book with key)
Added by: Oxan4uK | Karma: 61.00 | Black Hole | 31 January 2012
Keith Kelly - Vocabulary practice series. Geography (Student's Book with key)
Clear, concise and informative, the Vocabulary Practice Series help students to learn subject specific vocabulary by placing it in context. An easy-to-use reference tool, this book is the perfect solution for both the subject specialist and the English teacher.
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English for Careers Oil and Gas 1 : Teacher's Book
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 8 January 2012
An elementary course for students studying for a career in the oil and gas industries, who will need English to communicate at work. Oil and Gas 1 is ideal for pre-work students, studying at elementary level, who will need to use English in work situations. The Teacher's Resource Book provides specialist background to the industry for every unit, as well as industry tips to support non-expert teachers.
Cory Friedman woke up one morning when he was five years old with the uncontrollable urge to twitch his neck. From that day forward his life became a hell of irrepressible tics and involuntary utterances, and Cory embarked on an excruciating journey from specialist to specialist to discover the cause of his disease. Soon it became unclear what tics were symptoms of his disease and what were side effects of the countless combinations of drugs. The only certainty is that it kept getting worse.