Added by: math man | Karma: 198.35 | Periodicals, Audio | 4 March 2011
the economist march 5th 2011
The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores the close links between domestic and international issues, business, politics, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts. In addition to regular weekly content, Special Reports are published approximately 20 times a year, spotlighting a specific country, industry, or hot-button topic. The Technology Quarterly, published 4 times a year, highlights and analyzes new technologies that will change the world we live in.
Statistics and Econometric Models: Volume 1, General Concepts, Estimation, Prediction and Algorithms (Themes in Modern Econometrics)
Product Description: This two-volume work aims to present as completely as possible the methods of statistical inference with special reference to their economic applications. It is a well-integrated textbook presenting a wide diversity of models in a coherent and unified framework. The reader will find a description not only of the classical concepts and results of mathematical statistics, but also of concepts and methods recently developed for the specific needs of econometrics.
Цель пособия - развитие умения стилистически адекватного использования английского языка в жизненно важных ситуациях с учетом правил и норм социального общения. Пособие состоит из 26 тематических уроков, содержащих конкретную лингвострановедческую информацию применительно к ситуации общения, перечень наиболее употребительных речевых формул и серию упражнений, ориентированных на отработку коммуникативных навыков.
The book consistsof26thematiclessonscontainingspecificlingvo-culturalinformationregarding the situation ofcommunication,a list ofthe most commonexpressionsof speechanda seriesof exercises for practicingcommunication skills.
Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes
Presented in two parts, this book firstly introduces core considerations in ESP course development drawing on examples from a wide range of ESP and EAP courses. Secondly four case studies show how experienced ESP teachers and course developers went about developing courses to meet the needs of their particular learners.
The author has included an abundance of reading comprehension questions in order to guide
the student through specific elements of the story; you may want to select among them
according to the needs and reading levels of your students.
The book includes an abundance of reading comprehension questions in order to guide the student through specific elements of the story; you may want to select among them according to the needs and reading levels of your students.