Аудиокурс является приложением к книге для чтения "Питер Пэн" (по Д. Бари) учебно-методического комплекта для 7 класса серии "Английский в фокусе" ("Spotlight") Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Д. Дули и др. Диск содержит разыгранную по ролям пьесу, песни и мелодии в формате. Аудиокурс можно использовать на уроках английского языка , внеклассных мероприятиях и дома самостоятельно. Пересказ: Д. Дули, В. Эванс
Spotlight Primary (1-4) is a course for teaching English at early primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. "Spotlight 2" is a fun exercise book which presents, revises and consolidates the language taught in the second year of learning English as a foreign language. The book contains various fun, interactive activities to do before, during and after watching the short films on the attached DVD. The DVD, which is compatible with Interactive Whiteboards, contains animated stories, cartoons and songs. This DVD video is suitable for individual use at home, as well as in class.