Improve your English skills quickly and easily with current news items and stories
The monthly magazine in English offers texts at three language levels. Difficult words are translated in glossaries
A comprehensive language section in the magazine, as well as an exclusive Premium online section, offers plenty of scope for intensive English learning
Each issue includes Travelogs – a compact travel booklet featuring select destinations
English is spoken in different ways around the world. Spotlight Audio gives you not only American English and British English, but often Australian, South African, Irish and other regional forms of pronunciation in 60 minutes of interviews, exercises and dialogues connected to Spotlight magazine.
English is spoken in different ways around the world. Spotlight Audio gives you not only American English and British English, but often Australian, South African, Irish and other regional forms of pronunciation in 60 minutes of interviews, exercises and dialogues connected to Spotlight magazine.
Английский в фокусе. 3 класс (аудиокурс) Аудиокурс является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта "Английский в фокусе" ("Spotlight") для учащихся 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Аудиокурс содержит упражнения из учебника, предназначенные для самостоятельной отработки и направленные на развитие умений аудирования и устной речи. Диск также содержит аудиоматериал к рабочей тетради, необходимый для выполнения домашней работы.