Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Non-Fiction, Other | 1 January 2014
Fly Fishing - The Lifetime Sport
This world-class fly fishing school clearly demonstrates the art and science of fly fishing. It was designed and written with university standards as an accredited course.
High-stakes testing. Mandated content standards and benchmarks. Public scrutiny of student and school performance. Accountability. Teachers today are challenged to provide instruction that will measure up: to the expectations of administrators, parents, and taxpayers; to their own professional standards; and, most essentially, to the needs of students.
This volume focuses on the new Guided Comprehension Model for English learners. It provides a research base, a new take on the classic Guided Comprehension Model, and everything you need to teach Guided Comprehension to your English learners. There are numerous new ideas for teaching ELs using the Model, 12 new theme-based lessons for teaching English learners, teacher commentaries, think-alouds, planning forms and reproducibles, lists of related trade books in multiple languages, websites, connections to the WIDA Standards, the TESOL Standards, the Common Core State Standards, and much more.
Now adopted by over 40 states, the Common Core State Standards provide a clear and consistent framework for public school systems as they develop student learning goals that define the path to readiness for college, careers, and informed citizenship.
Making Language Matter will help prospective and practicing teachers develop lessons to meet the benchmarks enumerated in the Standards for the English Language Arts categories: language, speaking and listening, writing, and reading. A timely text for literacy education courses, it explores language topics within these categories and suggests pedagogical approaches and activities for use in 9-12 language arts classrooms.
Grammar Tales: Mini-Books That Teach 10 Essential Rules of Usage and Mechanics
Kids will LOVE these ten stories that teach parts of speech, proper use of commas and quotation marks, and so much more. Include a skill-building teaching guide filled with lessons, reproducibles, and mini-book versions of each story. A great way to help every child learn meet the language arts standards and become a strong, confident writer!