Added by: inesap | Karma: 453.53 | Other | 18 September 2011
Living English Structure for Schools
This book is a shortened, simplified version for Secondary Schools of "Living English Structure". It retains the character of the original book in that it provides grammatical practice material graded througout into Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced.
Linking – how semantic arguments map to the syntax – is one of the challenges for theories of the syntax-semantics interface. In this new approach, Janet Randall explores the hypothesis that the positions of syntactic arguments are strictly determined by lexical argument geometry. Yielding novel – if sometimes surprising – conclusions, her Isomorphic Linking Hypothesis establishes the linking patterns of a wide range of verbs and, with those results, shows how to reason "backwards" from how a given verb's arguments link to what its lexical representation must be.
LANGUAGE: ITS STRUCTURE AND USE explains core concepts in an interactive style that you can understand no matter what your major. With features like "What Do You Think?" and "Try It Yourself," you'll understand what you're experiencing on campus and in the classroom from a linguistics perspective. The expanded study sections and the available workbook provide you with the tools you'll need for effective test prep.
A series of four books progressing from beginner to intermediate level, for students starting grammar at or around the age of nine.
Grammar is a progressive series of four illustrated books for schools where English grammar is taught from an early age. Grammar Two contains * Short texts showing how each structure is used * Grammar notes * Oral and written exercises * Activities and pairwork
This volume deals with the competitive structure of football. It examines the relationship between sporting success and economic variables, the structure of European competitions, financial problems in football, their origins and options for reform, racial discrimination in English football, and the economic impact of the World Cup.