Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers provide the right leveled reader for every student. Whether they are used to complement the core program or as the main materials in daily instruction, these collections help meet all learning needs in the classroom by building fluency and independence for every student, extending key themes and concepts across curriculum areas, providing practice and the application of skills and strategies, supporting small-group instruction, and meeting state standards.
English for Business Studies is a course for upper-intermediate and advanced level students who need to be able to understand and talk about the key business and economic concepts. The Student's Book contains 28 units and covers the full range of business and economic issues, from Work and motivation, to Exchange rates and International trade. Reduced version added byEnglishcology
This engaging set covers well-trodden ground, but its quick factual manner sets it apart from other works. It is an excellent addition to high school and community college libraries supporting lower-level classes in U.S. history. It could also be used to support international student programs at higher-level institutions.
A three-level communicative listening and speaking series for 3 to 6 year-olds.The course provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus with built-in review. The characters, themes, and situations are relevant and appealing to very young children. Each Student Book unit opens with the main characters featured storybook style in a familiar daily situation. Book 2B and Audio added by decabristka
Dr. Wilke does it again with her readable narrative and pragmatic style. Like her other works, she has yet again provided an academically sound work on a topic in desperate need for our educators today. Heavy on practical use for the educator at any level (Use of vignettes in every chapter & written for both the Educator & Educational Student), this book on Ethics is any but 'Tough' on any reader looking for the best resource to date on the topic.