Quizzes, Questionnaires and Puzzles Cambridge Copy Collection 60 fun activities for intermediate students based around quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles. A bank of photocopiable classroom activities for teachers to use with intermediate students of English. The activities last from 20 minutes to a full lesson (50 minutes) and are easy to prepare. The material is divided into three categories: quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles. The activities are intended to provide teachers with fun activities to promote students’ speaking and reading skills. Reading and writing are also covered. This material is especially suitable for teachers who want to a diversion from their usual coursebook. It should appeal to busy teachers, who have to stand in for absent colleagues at short notice or who are looking for filler activities after completing a coursebook unit or theme. The material offers quizzes, questionnaires and puzzles on a range of topics, looking at the topic from an original angle that students can relate to, thus promoting genuinely interesting discussion. Each activity has 1-2 photocopiable pages for the students plus a short notes section for teachers, including useful language, preparation instructions, a lead-in and a follow up task. Level: Intermediate Have Fun Teaching English!)
Opportunities Intermediate Student's Book+Audio CDs Opportunities is four level upper-secondary course with strong educational themes. Michael Harris and David Mower have joined up with Anna Sikorzynska, a Polish educationalist and author, to develop a course specifically for your curriculum. They have made extensive use of feedback from teachers, focus groups and classroom observation to ensure that Opportunities is relevant to you. SCANNED FOR ENGLISHTIPS.ORG ОТСКАНИРОВАНО СПЕЦИАЛЬНО ДЛЯ ENGLISHTIPS.ORG
Пятиуровневый курс для подростков, наиболее полно отвечающий содержанию и традициям отечественного образования и прекрасно зарекомендовавший себя в российской школе. Данное издание отличает:
Серьезная программа по грамматике, учитывающая потенциальные сложности учащихся, для которых родными являются славянские языки.
Сбалансированное развитие всех четырех речевых навыков, способствующее развитию коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Наличие обширного страноведческого материала, расширяющего кругозор и представления учащихся о жизни и культуре англоязычного мира.
Программа тестирования, куда входят тесты для самопроверки, тесты по грамматике/лексике в книге для учителя и сборник тестов к каждому уровню.
An invaluable background book for pre-intermediate and intermediate students of English. SPOTLIGHT ON BRITAIN gives a region-by-region account of life in the United Kingdom. The wide variety of topics includes London, TV and Radio, Liverpool and the Beatles, Stratford and Shakespeare, Northern Ireland. Interesting information combines with opportunities for lively discussion, and students are provided with comprehension questions and language practice exercises.
Lukacs' fluid writing style is this book's greatest merit. He points out a great deal of classical and modern history of outstanding merit and durability. This booklet, however, is published by the ISI's publishing house. Reading it is like being flung back into the academic culture of East Coast Universities in the 1950s. The sensation is bizarre, and horribly exclusionary. Almost any other introduction to the discipline for undergraduates would be better by showing that non-European, non-Christian stories also have merit. History is not only the study of personal and national heritage, but the trials and value of all human cultures, even those not personally relevant. The book lacks such generosity, often termed imaginative sympathy. Too bad.
An Exclusive Education: Race, Class and Exclusion in British SchoolsThis study provides a wealth of statistical information and case studies of wrongly excluded children. It argues that exclusions are symptomatic of a wider culture of social exclusion and suggests alternative policies for dealing with difficult students. It also states that such policies should be based in strong community participation, and recognizes that feelings of exclusion contribute to the problem behavior of students.