This handbook focuses on the interpersonal aspects of language in use, exploring key concepts such as face, im/politeness, identity, or gender, as well as mitigation, respect/deference, and humour in a variety of settings. The volume includes theoretical overviews as well as empirical studies from experts in a range of disciplines within linguistics and communication studies and provides a multifaceted perspective on both theoretical and applied approaches to the role of language in relational work.
This book describes and assesses pronunciation talent in its various dimensions, such as production and perception or the segmental and suprasegmental levels of speech. Special focus is put on the psychological and neural correlates of phonetic performance. Behavioral influences such as empathy or motivation are investigated. The resulting classification of proficiency and talent level is used to select subjects for neuroimaging studies in which differences in brain activity between talented and untalented individuals are observed.
In this new edition of TUFS Studies in Linguistics, we aim to showcase the various linguistics research conducted at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. In this first volume, we report on the international symposium hosted by the Global Center of Excellence Program "Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education (CbLLE)" throughout 2008. Also in this collection, we consider the timeless linguistics issue of "variation" by utilizing the corpus analysis method. Whether socio-linguistic, stylistic or individual, variations manifest in a variety of ways throughout time and space and are closely related to issues surrounding linguistic theories.
In this book, we will examine the historical context in which the "new" generative morphology has evolved (Chapter I), the work that "founded" the field, Halle's 1973 proposal (Chapter II) and the first theoretical, non episodic, proposal, that of Aronoff 1976 (Chapters III and IV). Following this, a model of the organization of the lexical component is given, along with some well formedness conditions (Chapter V), In addition, a model is proposed for the interplay among the various types of morphological rules, namely derivation, inflection and compounding rules (Chapter VI).
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies. All readers contain two activity pages for every chapter, two projects in each book and a picture dictionary for key vocabulary.