The American presidency has become one of the most powerful offices in the world with the ascendancy of American power in the 20th century. This Compendium brings together piercing analyses of the American presidency - dealing with both current issues and historical events. The compendia consist of the combined and rearranged issues of "White House Studies" with the addition of a comprehensive subject index.
If your reading Jacques Derrida, esp. Limited Inc and Psyche this work along with Austin's How to do Things with Words are essential. These two books are the fundamental texts of Speech Act Theory. So if you want to find out about Locutions, Illocutionary Force and whatnot check out this text.
The Post-Colonial Studies Reader is the most comprehensive selection of key texts in post-colonial theory and criticism yet compiled. This collection covers a huge range of topics, featuring nearly ninety of the discipline's most widely read works.
Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction (Contemporary Studies in Children's Literature)
This is a critical study of Ursula le Guin, Philip Pullman and Terry Pratchett. It overviews the "alworlds" genre and studies the "Earthsea" quartet, the "Discworld" series and the "His Dark Materials" trilogy.
The English Curriculum in Schools (Education Matters)
This work offers a comprehensive account of the development of English as a school subject. It also examines the debates over English which have centred on the National Curriculum and its assessment. Drawing on data from two recent studies, it investigates what is taught in the English curriculum.