This book presents high-quality research of a theoretical and/or empirical/experimental nature, focusing on the interface between language and cognition. This book adopts an interdisciplinary, comparative, multi-methodological approach to the study of language in the general cognitive perspective, as well as theory-based practical applications. It is open to research from the full range of subject disciplines, theoretical backgrounds, and analytical frameworks that inform the language and cognitive sciences.
This book contains high-quality research of a theoretical and/or empirical/experimental nature, focusing on the interface between language and cognition. It adopts an interdisciplinary, comparative, multi-methodological approach to the study of language in the general cognitive perspective, as well as theory-based practical applications. It incorporates research from the full range of subject disciplines, theoretical backgrounds, and analytical frameworks that inform the language and cognitive sciences
Introduction to noun clauses - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
A noun clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. It acts as a noun. Note that a noun clause cannot stand alone. It is a subordinate clause and it needs to be attached to an independent clause.
A noun clause can be the subject or object of the verb in the main clause...
Noun phrase and prepositional phrase -2014 - Grammar short lessons
A phrase is a group of words that does not include a subject and verb. Note that if the group of words contains a subject and a verb, it is considered as a clause.
A phrase doesn’t make complete sense, but it must still make some sense.
This is a comparative study on the subject of interrogativity, presenting broad and narrow attributes on this subject in diverse languages: Russian, Mandarin, Georgian, Bengali, Bantu, Japanese, West Greenlandic and Ute. Each contribution presents, first the basic facts about the language in question, its more recent provenience, facts about numbers of speakers, writing systems, and related areal and sociolinguistic points. An overview of the typological hallmarks follows together with a sketch of the grammar broadly construed. Finally, the grammar of interrogativity is described and the semantics and pragmatics of it are explored.