“The Teachings of Don Juan” is the first in a series of about 15 books by Carlos Casaneda describing the author’s experiences with Yaqui Indian shamanism in Northern Mexico. As a studier of religion for many years (although not as knowledgeable as some scholars) I find these books to be utterly unique in their scope and subject matter. They are not like other New Age books. The journey that Castaneda takes his readers is mind-boggling, and his experiences are simply beyond what most people have even remotely encountered.
by J. Picoult The difficult choices a family must make when a child is diagnosed with a serious disease are explored with pathos and understanding in this 11th novel by Picoult. The author, who has taken on such controversial subjects as euthanasia, teen suicide and sterilization laws, turns her gaze on genetic planning, the prospect of creating babies for health purposes and the ethical and moral fallout that results. Picoult ably explores a complex subject with bravado and clarity, and comes up with a heart-wrenching, unexpected plot twist at the book's conclusion.
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies.
This ebook was created by me in 2004. I know it is short, yet I do believe that it is great for students and teachers as well. It includes sentences to be used in different situations as well as examples. Each subject was divided into "Formal, Informat and common." The introduction is in Arabic; however the rest of the book in English.