It offers sound, practical advice on how you can acquire excellent pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, master grammar, and engage in conversation in another language.
Far from representing a ‘standard approach’ to the subject, ‘the Secrets of Successful Language Learning’ gives suggestions that are often very unconventional, yet always extremely effective.
Presents Treetops series, levelled to match reading ability and equivalent non-fiction stages. It contains subject matter to motivate children to read, especially boys
Impersonal Constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective
This volume offers a much needed typological perspective on impersonal constructions, which are here viewed broadly as constructions lacking a referential subject. The contributions to this volume deal with all types of impersonality, namely constructions featuring nonagentive subjects, including those with experiential predicates (A-impersonals), presentational constructions with a notional subject deficient in topicality (T-impersonals), and constructions with a notional subject lacking in referential properties (R-impersonals), i.e. both meteo-constructions and man-constructions
This text offers readers a short and highly accessible account of the ideas and concepts constituting geography. Drawing out the key themes that define the subject, What is Geography? demonstrates how and why these themes - like environment and geopolitics- are of fundamental importance.
Style is of vital practical interest to college writing teachers, because everyone has to teach it one way or another. Yet for about two decades, the theoretical discussion of how to address prose style in teaching college writing has been stuck, with style standing in as a proxy for other stakes in the theory wars. A consequence of the impasse is that a theory of style itself has not been well articulated. In Refiguring Prose Style, Johnson and Pace suggest that move the field toward a better consensus will require establishing style as a clearer subject of inquiry. Accordingly, this collection takes up a comprehensive study of the subject.