BRAINETICS is a revolutionary system that uses mathematics to teach you how to use two parts of your brain at the same time; one part processes information while the other part stores information. Brainetics is for anybody aged 9 to 90!This new power allows your mind to work better and faster at ALL subjects – math, history, science, languages – bringing your entire thinking process to a new, higher level. 5 Fun and Educational DVDs.KIDS! Brainetics is for kids 9 and up of all abilities, from those with special needs to the highly gifted. The system teaches kids the priceless skills of focus...
The Real English Conversation Pack builds on the Effortless English system. In these lessons, you get the same great Effortless English system you love. Each lesson set contains a real conversation between native speakers. No actors. All lessons also include: * Audio Recording of a Real English Conversation * Audio Vocabulary Lessons * Mini-Story Lessons*
Lose Your Accent In 28 Days (with CD-ROM and AudioCD)
Lose Your Accent in 28 Days is the powerful, proven system that will help you master American English pronunciation in weeks — not months or years. Practice 30 minutes a day for 4 weeks and greatly improve your pronunciation. No more being asked to repeat yourself! No more being asked, "What did you say?" Discover the pronunciation system preferred by faculty and students at America's most prestigious universities — including Cornell, UC Berkeley, Middlebury, and University of Southern California.
Tapping the Source: Using the Master Key System for Abundance and Happiness
Easy to use, enjoyable to listen to, and effective, Tapping the Source presents a revolutionary new system for manifesting the harmony, abundance, love, and fulfillment you fully deserve. This modern, enhanced-power version of Charles Haanel's legendary Master Key System combines short-form meditation techniques with new psychological insights. It will teach you how to tap into your personal potential through Daily Manifestation Sessions, each totaling no more than three to five minutes.
The pragmatic system consists of the rules for appropriate and communicatively effective language use. Pragmatic Development provides an integrated view of the acquisition of all the various pragmatic subsystems, including expression of communicative intents, participation in conversation, and production of extended discourse.For the first time, the three components of the pragmatic system are presented in a way that makes clear how they relate to each other and why they all fall under the rubric pragmatics.