Upton Sinclair's The Jungle not only drew attention from the likes of Winston Churchill and President Theodore Roosevelt—it drew action. The novel's depiction of what takes place in a meat-processing plant pressed the U.S. government into taking steps to regulate the industry. Examine the work with this text.
Added by: darouzy | Karma: 5.93 | Black Hole | 26 May 2011
IELTS Tips (2011)
Practical advice combining almost everything you need to remember before taking the IELTS
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Science and the Garden: The Scienific Basis of Horticultural Practice
Most conventional gardening books concentrate on how and when to carry out horticultural tasks such as pruning, seed sowing and taking cuttings. This book is unique in explaining in straightforward terms some of the science that underlies these practices. It is principally a book of 'Why' - Why are plants green? Why should one cut beneath a leaf node when taking cuttings? Why do plants need so much water? But it also goes on to deal with the 'How', providing rationale behind the practical advice. The coverage is wide-ranging and comprehensive and includes the basic structure and functioning
At the start of this improbable thriller from bestseller Preston (The Codex), innocent bystander Tom Broadbent is riding his horse through a New Mexico canyon when he comes upon prospector Stem Weathers, who's just been shot. Before Weather dies, he gives Tom a notebook filled with mysterious numbers, asking him to pass it on to his daughter. Taking this assignment to heart, Tom puts himself and his wife at ever greater, more pointless risk as he tries to deliver the notebook.
Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears
Best-seller Pema Chodron draws on the Buddhist concept of shenpa to help us see how certain habits of mind tend to “hook” us and get us stuck in states of anger, blame, self-hatred, and addiction. The good news is that once we start to recognize these patterns, they instantly begin to lose their hold on us and we can begin to change our lives for the better.