BUSINESS LAW TODAY: COMPREHENSIVE combines an engaging, reader-friendly style and exceptional visual appeal to immerse readers in the excitement of cutting-edge business law. In addition to a wide selection of intriguing new cases and thorough coverage of the latest developments in the field, this version of the book includes chapters on the legal environment and material for readers taking the CPA exam. The book also explicitly meets the AACSB curriculum requirements.
London's Polish Borders: Transnationalizing Class and Ethnicity among Polish Migrants in London
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 5 July 2016
The figure of the Polish plumber or builder has long been a well-established icon of the British national imagination, uncovering the UK's collective unease with immigration from Central and Eastern Europe. But despite the powerful impact the UK's second largest language group has had on their host country's culture and politics, very little is known about its members. This painstakingly researched book offers a broad perspective on Polish migrants in the UK, taking into account discursive actions, policies, family connections, transnational networks, and political engagement of the diaspora.
This book offers authentic practice of the First Certificate Exam.
The book includes five practice tests which provide step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise the students' chances of excelling. It all in all provides FCE candidates with plenty of practice opportunities, taking into account the new format of the exam (starting January 2015)
Fifteen poems portray three familiar bears and their friend Goldie engaged in such activities as taking a walk, eating porridge, and having a birthday party.
Newspapers have reported on many cases of corporate fraud at the highest executive levels in the past two years, but Callahan cites other instances of people going to often questionable lengths to succeed. It's estimated that half of all major league baseball players are taking steroids to enhance their strength and performance.