Still the world's most trusted adult English course - the American Headway third edition Teacher's Resource Book with Testing Program provides everything you need for successful lessons.
American Headway is the course you can always trust. Its proven methodology – focus on grammar, clear vocabulary syllabus, integrated skills work – was developed by award-winning authors John and Liz Soars to give you lessons that really work in class.
Tune In develops listening skills and, introduces students to over 50 features of natural spoken English. Each lesson uses a step-by-step approach to teach students to understand what people say and how they say it. Students learn techniques such as how to check understanding, express uncertainty, and give polite negative answers. Easy-to-check material allows the teacher to focus on teaching rather than preparing.
Added by: minoshiba | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 27 May 2021
English File Elementary Teacher's Guide
English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. In fact, 90% of English File teachers we surveyed in our impact study found that the course improves students' speaking skills.
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Added by: dinhluyen2704 | Karma: 406.39 | Black Hole | 3 May 2021
Speak out 2e Advance Teacher Active
ActiveTeach contains everything you need to help the course come alive in the classroom. It is the full digital Students’ Book and Workbook with class audio and video material including editable scripts. It includes integrated whiteboard software that allows you to add notes, embed files, save your work and reduce preparation time.
- Answers to exercises are revealed at the touch of a button.
- Shortcuts to the relevant pages of the Language Bank and Photo Bank make navigation easy.
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Young Achievers will challenge and motivate. A blend of skills, a fast-paced grammar syllabus and phonics provides primary children with a strong foundation. This, combined with a cross-curricular and cultural focus, gives children the confidence they need to achieve all their language goals. Young Achievers thoroughly develops the language and skills required for children to succeed in both Trinity GESE and Cambridge Language Assessment.