The book is clearly written and although intended for an audience with some knowledge and language difficulties would be accessible to a person coming to the topic for the first time....I would recommend it to any practitioner who wanted to find out more about the relationship between speech, language and communication difficulties and the development of literacy.
- Created in Rabat , 1979 - Organised its first annual conference, 1980 - Has regularly organised an annual conference since its creation - Has been awarded the patron of His Majesty the King since 1989 - Has run national as well as international events - Won the Worldaware Business Award, 2004. - Objectives MATE aims to: - contribute to the improvement of the teaching of English in Morocco . - encourage contacts among teachers in Morocco on the one hand, and between these teachers and teachers of English in other countries on the other hand. - encourage research in the field of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) in Morocco.
Are you having trouble determining your subjects from objects, or adverbs from adjectives? English Grammar offers a new approach to the teaching of traditional grammar, using the insights of modern linguistics and modern teaching methods. Clearly written for the absolute beginner, this workbook helps readers to understand grammatical concepts such as 'noun', 'auxiliary verb' and 'subject', encourages the reader to practice applying newly discovered concepts to ordinary texts, and teaches the user to analyze the grammatical role of almost every word in any English text. Whether you are just trying to brush up on your grammar knowledge or starting from scratch, this accessible workbook provides the basics you need.
Edited by: Pumukl - 5 October 2008
Reason: formatting deleted, external link with thumbs-link replaced
The Grammar Handbook 2 is designed to follow The Phonics Handbook and The Grammar Handbook 1. It is intended to:
- Introduce new elements of grammar, - Teach new spelling patterns systematically, - Develop dictionary and thesaurus skills, - Improve vocabulary and comprehension, and - Reinforce the teaching in The Grammar Handbook 1.
This is the first book that shows English teachers how to incorporate teaching about the moving image into their classroom practice. This book builds on teachers' knowledge of teaching about advertising, newspapers and visual adaptions of literary texts, without technical jargon.